Simon is an award-winning professional editorial photographer living in the north of England and working internationally. His work embraces a range of genres including portrait, heritage, landscape, documentary and photojournalism.
Commissioned work has taken him across the UK, Europe, Scandinavia, South East Asia and the United States. He has over 300 publication credits which include National Geographic Magazine, The Observer Magazine and The Sunday Times Magazine. His work has been exhibited at the National Portrait Gallery (London), the National Media Museum (Bradford), the Imperial War Museum (Manchester), UNESCO (Paris) and UNICEF (New York).
He is a previous winner of Kodak Professional Photographer of the Year, BIPP Professional Photographer of the Year, and the only British winner of the International Art Portrait Award. In 1991 Simon was awarded a Fellowship (FRPS) of the Royal Photographic Society and in January 2021, he was elected President and an Honorary Fellow (HonFRPS) of the Society. He is the longest serving President of the RPS since the late 1800s.